Monday, January 31, 2011

Why Blog?

I first began blogging almost 2 years ago, when I just wanted an "official" way to reflect. I started out my principalship with the intentions of journaling and only filled in 3 pages of my notebook by the end of the year. As a new principal in a rural district, I was craving dialogue with other administrators and stumbled across The Practical Principals podcast (By the way, Scott and Melinda, you are long overdue for a podcast update!) It is from listening to their podcast that I learned about building a professional learning network (PLN) through blogging and twitter. Actually, I listened to them talk about it on a few different podcasts, thinking that I didn't have time for "that stuff" until I tried it.

Yes, it does take time, but it is worth it! Why blog? Because it is my time to sit down and reflect on my practice, what I'm reading and what I'm learning. Even better, it gives the opportunity for others to respond to my reflection. In return, I learn from others as they share their blogs with me.

I certainly do not blog as much as I should, but Larry Fliegman's "14 in February" blogging challenge has once again given me the kick in the rear that I need to get blogging. reasons why NOT to blog.